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We offer 3 different types of preschool programs.

Parent and Tot: Games, songs, circuits that allow you and your child to grow at each your pace

Fearless 4's: creating independence, listening skills, circuits that grow with your child

Flying 5"s: Your child's 1st look at what a full class entails. Games, stretching, full apparatus rotations

If you would like to register your child for a program click the link at the top of the page.

Parent and Tot 3 years old 30 minutes
Fearless Fours 4 years old 45 minutes
Flying Fives 5 years old 1 hour


Recreational Gymnastics

Our recreational gymnastics program is designed to engage children age 6 and over in gymnastics in a developmental, fun and friendly way.  The aim is to develop your child’s physical literacy through gymnastics - which means that they will develop their confidence and motivation for sport and physical activity, as well as their physical movement skills, flexibility, strength and coordination.  Whether children continue with gymnastics or wish to specialize in another sport, their experience at Smoky River Gymnastics will provide them with an excellent base for progression.

Gymnastics also provides a fantastic opportunity for children and young people to develop social skills  – and this is something we take very seriously at SRGC; interaction, teamwork and leadership skill development are a key part of our delivery.

If you would like to register your child for a recreational program click the link at the top of the page.

Stepping up  6-7 years old 1hr 15min
Kart Wheelers 8 - 9 years old 1.5 hours
Chalk it Up 10 - 12 years old 1hr 45min
Flex Teens (13 & Up years old) 2 hours
Homeschool 7 years & up 1.5 hours

Homeschool classes require a minimum of 5 students to run. Please reach out to the club to discuss this option and open a class.


Acrobatic Gymnastics, Acro for short, combines the beauty of dance and the strength of gymnastics in a partner sport that displays grace, strength, flexibility and excitement. To be successful the gymnasts must learn to work as a team. 

This is a co-ed group for ages 7 and up. Its also a great program for adults, families, couples, etc.. 

If you would like to register your child for a program click the link at the top of the page.

Here's a video of an Acro demonstration. 



7 years and up

1.5 hours




Specialty Classes


handstand helps the gymnast develop strength, balance, and spatial awareness. A proper handstand position is a basic progression for numerous skills on all of the gymnastics apparatuses and in all of the disciplines. This class is for those athletes who REALLY want to improve their handstands. It requires some dedication and ability to work independently. They will be required to do some homework at home. This is the 1st step to the 12 shapes of gymnastics.


7 years and Up

1 hour

Uneven Bars

Bars require strength, core and a lot of repetition. Gymnasts will work on their core strength, mounts, casts/swings, circling elements and dismounts. 

Uneven Bars

7 years and Up

1 hour



In this class we will be working on our confidence to stay on the beam. We will work on Acro skills(Forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels), jumps, leaps, turns and holds. The mastery of beam is simply being on it as often as you can. 


7 years and Up

1 hour


This class will focus on the skills required to master the vault. Vaulting has more to do with the run and takeoff than the actual skill on the vault. A gymnast must run fast, and explode off the board to generate as much height and rotation as possible. Skills your Gymnasts will work on are running technique, hurdling, blocking and arm swing. 


7 years and Up

1 hour

Passe, Lunge & Bridge

SRGC uses the 12 fundamental skills for Tumbling as our guide in the gym. It's like the ABC's of Tumbling. In this class we will focus on Passe, Lunge and Bridge. 

A Strong Passe and Lunge is required for most tumbling skills, balance and turns on Floor and Beam.

Understanding the proper techniques of bridge will help alleviate low back injuries. Opening the shoulders and hips will create a safer and stronger bridge. 

Combining this class with handstands will give the students a better chance of achieving their goals in the gym.

Passe, Lunge & Bridge

7 years and Up

1 hour

Power Club

This class is for the dedicated student. The program has a dedicated weekly conditioning and progression chart. 

The program consists of 12 levels. Everyone must start at level 1.

Students MUST be willing to do some homework, create an open mind for learning, have a positive mind set and be willing to work. 

Requirements to join: 

  • Must be at least 7yrs old
  • Have been registered with SRGC at least 1yr

Registering Students may be asked to attend a try out. This program relies on the students being able to work independently and as a team. This is not an open class for everyone.

Assets to Power Club are students who have or are registered in Handstands, Passe, Lunge & Bridge and/or Strength and Flexibility with the Block


Power Club Level 1

Ages 7 and up

1.5 hours 

Power Club Level 2

Ages 7 and up

1.75 hours

Physical Literacy

You may not have heard of physical literacy, but it’s something everyone (and every parent) should know about. In fact, physical literacy is no different than and just as important as other kinds of literacy. Just as children need to be taught how to read and write, they need to be introduced to a variety of physical activities that nurture the body and overall well-being. 

Physical literacy is defined as having a combination of motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and appreciation to engage in physical activities for life. It is a skillset essential to an active, healthy life. 

The earlier children are introduced to a variety of physical movements, the better their physical literacy will be and the more they will seize on opportunities for fun and activity. Studies show kids with high physical literacy have better self-esteem, reduced risk for diabetes, higher test scores and more stable moods.

The more movement skills your children develop, the more opportunities they will have throughout their life to be and stay active.
Ways to foster physical literacy in your children
According to the Canadian Sport For Life Society, the most important step toward developing physical literacy is the mastery of basic movement skills, such as jumping, throwing and landing.

Physical Literacy

6 years and Up

1 hour

Flipping Fun

Winter Session Only

Flippin' Fun Gymnastics is for those interested in attending Meets. The gymnasts will learn a routine for each apparatus that they will take to a competition.

To be on this team you must have been in an SRGC program in the last session, be 7 yrs old or older, and be prepared to commit to 2 meets.

Unfortunately we don't usually get the meet schedule until January. 

Your child must be able to work independently, be goal oriented, enjoy being creative, good working memory to remember routines, and be OK with repetition as these classes will be about getting our routines ready. Each gymnast will be evaluated and placed in the appropriate category. 

Gymnastics is all about hours in the gym. To be at par with the other gyms in our area, your child must be registered in a total of 4hrs a week in SRGC programming. It can be one or any combination of classes. Feel free to contact the Head Coach for recommendations for your child.

Flipping Fun

7 years and Up

2 hours